5 Tips Guaranteed to Help Busy Moms Work From Home

We are living in some crazy times! And if you're like me right now, you're trying to work a full-time job from home while also homeschooling your kids AND trying to stay sane! So to help us all out, I've compiled my 5 Tips that seriously are guaranteed to help busy moms work from home.

Tip #1: Create a morning routine. The BEST part of creating a new morning routine, is YOU get to create it. When are you going to bed? When are you going to wake up? Are you going to wake up before your kids? What will you do once you are awake? You could read a book, pray, write in a journal, do affirmations or meditate. You could exercise, walk your dog, stretch, do yoga, or make a healthy breakfast. Create a morning routine that will start your day off right.

Tip #2: Have a dedicated work space/office space. I am not saying you have to have a home office, just have a dedicated space that you work. Choose a place that you are going to work. Do NOT choose your bed. Choose a place that will help you reduce distractions. Preferably far away from laundry and TV. It helps to choose a space that has a door, with a lock. But do what you can. You can make this work even in the tiniest space. Declutter the area you are going to be productive in. A cluttered space equals a cluttered mind. If you can, decorate the space in a way that you love. Design your office or work space to be the kind of place you want to spend time in. Having a designated work space helps your brain switch into productivity working mode. 

Tip #3: Have work hours and share those hours with your co-workers aka your family. Tell them when you are going to be working. And just as important, tell them when you will not be working. Decide what time you will start your work day and what time you will end your work day. 

Tip #4: Do NOT try to do family and work at the same time. Don’t try to multi-task here. Be Present! Be present and laser focused on what you are doing. If you are working during your designated office hours, don’t fold laundry. If you are playing a board game with your family, put your phone away. Look into the eyes of your loved ones. Be present. Focused work is so much more productive. 

Tip #5: Get ready for the day even if you are NOT leaving the house. That’s right mama! Put on real pants. Put on a bra. Do your makeup and hair. Why? Because when you get ready for the day instead of staying in pajamas all day long it:

  •  Starts your day off right. 
  •  Changes your mindset and helps you feel more productive.
  •  Is an instant self esteem booster.
  •  Increases confidence.
  •  You’re always ready for the unexpected. 
  •  It makes you feel, act and perform better.

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